About Us
The Biochar Demonstrator
About the Project
This interdisciplinary project will address the uncertainties concerning the extent and scope of deployment of biochar, including its stability with respect to carbon sequestration, together with quantifying effects on soil health and ecosystem services, economic viability and social acceptability. Field trials will take place at arable and grassland sites in the Midlands and Wales, an open cast coal mine site in Cumbria, denuded railway embankments, and forestry sites in England and Wales.
The project is led by Professor Colin Snape at the University of Nottingham, and has researchers across the country at Bangor University, the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), Forest Research, The University of Leeds and the Scottish Universities Environment Research Centre (SUERC, at the University of Glasgow). We are one of 5 demonstrators as part of the GGR-D programme.
The GGR-D Programme
The greenhouse gas removal demonstrator (GGR-D) programme is a UKRI funded programme consisting of 5 demonstrators and a co-ordinating hub, CO2RE.
The other demonstrators are investigating:
- Afforestation (Woodland)
- Enhanced rock weathering
- Peatland restoration
- Perennial biomass crops