The 3rd International Negative Emissions Conference (University of Oxford, 18-21 June 2024)
The Biochar Demonstrator headed to Oxford to participate in the 3rd International Negative Emissions Conference where Colin Snape chaired the session on biochar which included two presentations: showcasing our research on biochar stability and techno-economic and life cycle analysis. Our extensive collaboration with the Ithaka Institute for Carbon Strategies on hydropyrolysis and the analytical method that we have developed to quantify the stable or persistent aromatic carbon (PAC) in biochar, was described in the presentation given by our collaborator, Nikolas Hagemann. Two of our early career researchers, Disni Gamaralalage and Yuzhou Tang, gave a joint presentation describing an integrated framework for locating biochar production facilities for straw and anaerobic digestate.
We also participated in the “Goodbye Greenhouse Gas!” public engagement event. This included a display on the Demonstrator, as well as a demonstration by Katja Lehmann listening to the sounds that soils can generate from invertebrates and how these might be affected by biochar. Samples of biochar were also distributed on the day for participants to undertake their own growing trials. A selection of photos can be found below, or you can read more about the event here.
All photos courtesy of John Cairns.

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- The 3rd International Negative Emissions Conference (University of Oxford, 18-21 June 2024)